Friday, August 2, 2013

Action Research Planning Template

Action Planning Template

Goal: How does the implementation of project based learning affect test scores on the STAAR exams?

        Action Step(s)              Person(s)              Timeline:
                                          Responsible            Start/End           Needed Resources          Evaluation
Create a matrix that will have all of the test data for our incoming 6th grade students as well as the 6th grade students from the previous school year.
Adrian Chapa
Start: 8/26/2013
End: 5/31/2014

I will need a list of all of the 6th grade and 7th grade students for the 2013-2014 school year. I will also need access to School City which I will use to collect the test scores for previous years.
Campus Principal
I will conduct interviews with both teachers, students, and administrators to gauge how they feel project based learning has impacted student learning.
Adrian Chapa
Start: 10/07/2013
End: 5/31/2014
I will need to request for classroom coverage once a month to conduct the interviews with the teachers, students, and administrators.
Campus Principal
After collecting all of the necessary data, I will begin to analyze it and make my conclusions as well as provide possible methods for improvement in a final report.
Adrian Chapa
Start: 5/31/2014
End: 6/30/2014
I will need access to the STAAR results for the 2013-2014 school year for K. White Jr. High.
Campus Principal


  1. Hi Adrian. I like your topic for action research, but am interested to know exactly what "project" you are hoping to use to do this research. You could also include some surveys of the faculty or students as to their opinions of the "project based learning" you are implementing and if they feel it adds to student learning. Just a suggestion... good luck!

  2. Adrian -
    I love your action research topic. My campus has been toying with moving to project based learning on and off for two years. Our ELAR department has tried it on some level and loves what it can offer. Maybe you could get a class to be your focus group and incorporate a few projects on a specific objective to see what happens?

  3. Nice topic. I know that my campus has been trying to encourage teachers to move more towards project based learning. I tried a little bit of PBL last year and it went pretty well. I was surprised on how well my kids retained what they learned so much better through PBL. I agree with the suggestions mentioned in the comments above about having one class as a focus group and by incorporating objective specific projects. Good Luck!

  4. I like your idea. It seems like a lot of your data is going to be opinions of people and I personally would steer away from that. Numbers would be more beneficial to show how implementing project based learning affects test scores. Don't take this to heart just my personal opinion. I think you'll do just fine though.

  5. I agree with Jeremy. As a special education teacher I know we have to have data, data, data. You really can just take last year test scores and then compare them to this years once your plan is completed. Good luck!
